Munmun Dutta has been grabbing eyeballs for her character Babita Ji in Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah. The actress who has remained part of the comedy show since its inception is making headlines for using casteist slur in a YouTube video last year. Without releasing the exact meaning of the word she used it. However, things didn’t go well as a case was filed against her.
Recently, there were reports making rounds on the internet that the TMKOC actress has been arrested for using the word in a derogatory way and she was interrogated at the Hansi Police Station for almost 4 hours.
Turns out Munmun Dutta wasn’t arrested but she was called just for regular interrogation by the police. In a recent interview with Bollywood Bubble, she said, “Contrary to rumours claiming that I was “arrested”, I want to clarify that I went in for a regular interrogation with the police officials. I was NOT ARRESTED. In fact, I had received the interim bail from the Court already on Friday before I went in for the interrogation.”
Munmun Dutta said she’s currently shooting for Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah and added, “The officials at Hansi Police Station spoke to me for two and half hours about the case and noted down all important details. They were extremely polite and well-behaved. I have been cooperating with the police and will continue to do so.”
The actress further claims that she was shocked when some reports stated she was arrested and feels upset about how things are turned around.
“I am deeply upset with the stories that are being spun around the case, just for headlines. At the same time, I would request media professionals to not create false narratives around the case. The clickbait headlines and thumbnails being used by several portals are deeply disturbing and unethical, to say the least,” Munmun Dutta concluded.