The rerun of Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayan on DD national has received tremendous response from the viewers. The lead actors of the show Arun Govil, Dipika Chikhlia and Sunil Lehri are getting showered immense love by fans and are a hit once again. Amid all of this, actress Dipika Chikhlia has become an overnight star as her Instagram following has reached 100k.

The actress took to her Instagram account to thank fans for showering their love and best wishes on her. She shared a screenshot for the same and captioned it as, ‘Thank you soo much to my insta family love you all soo much. 100k.’

Ramayan’s Sita AKA Dipika Chikhlia Is Elated As She Clocks 100k Followers On Instagram; Thanks Her Insta Family
Ramayan’s Dipika Chikhlia AKA Sita Is On Cloud Nine As She Clocks 100K Followers On Instagram!

Take a look:

The actress has been flooded with congratulatory messages from the fans. And few fans wrote that she deserved much more than this. The over three-decade-old TV series had garnered 170 million viewers in its early four shows. The show has been in the news for several reasons. Right from its TRP, the debate over feminism to memes being generated on some scenes, Ramayan has been all over the place.

Not just Dipika but Arun Govil and Sunil Lahri’s Instagram accounts are also flooded with several comments and their following has also increased rapidly.

Ever since Ramayan has started picking up the TRP, lesser known facts about the show and interesting throwback pictures of the actors have been doing the rounds on social media. Dipika herself has shared quite a few interesting throwback pictures from the sets of the show. Even after decades of its original telecast, the show is a hit amongst the audience till now.

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