Actor Priyanshu Painyuli, who is currently seen in the Hindi anthology ‘Unpaused: Naya Safar’, has talked about ‘The Couple’ segment and said it offers a realistic take on work-from-home culture.
Following the success of the first edition, Unpaused, the sequel to the Hindi anthology offers five Hindi short films, titled ‘Teen Tigada’, ‘The Couple’, ‘Gond Ke Laddu’, ‘War Room’ and ‘Vaikunth’, each delving uniquely into the relatable challenges that the pandemic has inflicted on everyone.
Priyanshu Painyuli says, “Our film ‘The Couple’ is a very realistic take on how the young, millennial couples are dealing with the pandemic and the work-from-home culture.”
“It was really a pleasant experience working with Shreya Dhanwanthary, my co-star and Nupur Asthana, our director. All of us have given our best to make a heartwarming film that will strike the right chords with the audience across 240 countries and territories,” said Priyanshu Painyuli.
Talking about her association with The Couple, actress Shreya Dhanwantary said: “I am delighted and excited to be a part of The Couple that focuses on a modern-day couple and how their lives change when there’s a sudden job loss. Not just our film, but I am sure all the films in the anthology will leave you with a warm-fuzzy feeling and make you cherish the smallest joys of life.”
‘Unpaused: Naya Safar‘ is on Amazon Prime Video.