On Thursday, Kangana Ranaut’s sister Rangoli Chandel’s Twitter account got suspended due to violation of Twitter rules. Rangoli was accused of spreading hate messages and many celebrities like Farah Ali Khan and Kubra Sait reported her, which led to the suspension. Later, Kangana came forward in Rangoli’s rescue and in her defence, she appealed that social media platforms like Twitter should be banned. A lot of people are in disagreement with the actress and have been tweeting about it, and the latest to join the debate is none other than TV actress Kavita Kaushik.

A lot of people have been tweeting about the whole issue and are in complete disagreement with Kangana and Rangoli. A tweet read: ‘#KanganaRanaut Two sisters are united in thinking India is their grandfather’s property. Rangoli wants 2024 elections to be cancelled. Kangana wants a ban on twitter.’ Kavita replied to the tweet saying- ‘I have gushing emotions of love, respect , empathy and more for @iHrithik’

Kavita Kaushik Takes A Strong Dig At Kangana’s Past Relationships; Empathises with Hritik Roshan & Adhyayan Suman
Kavita Kaushik Takes A Dig At Kangana Ranaut’s Past Relationships; Empathises With Hrithik Roshan & Apologizes To Adhyayan Summan

Not just for Hrithik  Roshan, but she further wrote about people owing a huge apology to Adhyayan Summan and Shekhar Suman for being so cruel to them once because of the ‘woman card.’ She tweeted, ‘Also, a huge apology is owed to @shekharsuman7and @AdhyayanSsuman, they are a sweet family and the hate they got from an eager to judge, feeding on lies smeared popcorn audiences is so damn heartbreaking everyone was so cruel to them at that time cos of the ‘woman card’.’

Replying to her comments, Adhyayan Suman wrote to her: ‘Sometimes it is better to leave things to destiny ! Thank you for your kind words kavita.” In another tweet he wrote, ‘Yes I have moved miles ahead ! Regards to you and fly.’

Kavita Kaushik is known to speak her mind and this time too the lady has not shied away from expressing how she feels. The actress has certainly taken a strong dig at Kangana’s past relationships with Hrithik Roshan and Adhyayan Suman. Both the relationships became very controversial and made headlines for a long time.

We wonder what Kangana has to say about it…

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