Devoleena Bhattacharjee left everyone stunned with her wedding announcement. While most thought she was dating her Saath Nibhaana Saathiya co-star Vishal Singh, that was clearly not the case. The actress broke stereotypes and opted for a simple intimate wedding with long-time boyfriend Shanawaz Shaikh. Scroll below as she responds to haters about why they did not splurge on their marriage.
It is often an expensive affair when celebrities tie the knot. We recently saw Hansika Motwani tie the knot with Sohael Khaturiya and it was quite a royal setup. But for Devoleena, everything was really low-key and even her closest friends from the industry did not have any idea about her big day.
There have been allegations on Shanawaz Shaikh that he refrained from spending money at their wedding. Reacting to the claims, Devoleena Bhattacharjee defended her husband as she told Indian Express, “He’s not from the industry but he’s well settled. He has his own name in the fitness industry. If I would have made the marriage grand and flaunted his money, trolls would have called me a gold digger.”
Devoleena Bhattacharjee also set the records straight as she said she doesn’t care about social media trolls. The only thing that she is concerned about is her happiness with Shanawaz Shaikh. “I feel if we are good, the blessings from the universe, and help us grow and live together,” added the former Bigg Boss contestant.
This is not the first time Devoleena is reacting to the negativity. Earlier, a social media user questioned the couple if their child would be a Hindu or a Muslim.
Shanawaz Shaikh is a gym trainer by professional and he fell in love with Devoleena Bhattacharjee during physiotherapy sessions after the actress met with an accident on Saath Nibhaana Saathiya sets.
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