Actress Shefali Jariwala, who was last seen participating in the controversial reality show Bigg Boss 13 has recently expressed her desire to adopt a girl child. The actress, who is married to TV actor Parag Tyagi, in a recently revealed that Sunny Leone’s decision of adopting her baby girl Nisha moved her to go for adoption.
“I discussed adopting a baby with Hindustani Bhau inside the Bigg Boss 13 house. I was actually moved by Sunny Leone’s decision when she adopted a girl child. I always wanted to adopt a baby girl and after I got married to Parag when we were discussing about starting a family I shared my views with him and he is a very supportive husband. He completely stood by the decision and he told me you have to become a mother so whether you give birth to a child or bring him/her home, it will be your decision and I will always support you. There are a lot of children in the world who need home and I think I am in a position where I can give them a secure, good life then why not. I want to give that child a good home, education and a good life because God has given me everything,” Shefali told Times Of India.
The actress also revealed that she is in process of adopting a child and if everything falls into place, she will soon bring her lovely girl home. “I have been blessed with all this so I want to share my blessings with that child. But the adoption process in this country is a little tedious. There’s a lot of paperwork involved and there’s a lot of waiting also. So we are currently in the middle of the process and if God is kind and your wishes are with us, my dream to bring my child home will come true. I’ll become a mother and bring a lovely girl home.” said Shefali
Shefali and Parag tied the knot back in 2014 and now after six long years of marriage, the couple is thinking about embracing parenthood.
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