The popular daily show ‘Anupamaa’ starring Rupali Ganguly, Sudhanshu Pandey, and Gaurav Khanna, keeps the excitement level of the audience high with its story and the ups and downs in the life of the lead character Anupamaa, played by Rupali. She has decided to be a perfect wife and mother and what she does to prove it is all that is awaited.
Anupamaa depicts a middle-class woman, who is firm about her values and wants to take proper care of her family and kids. But in doing so, she often forgets herself. In the previous episodes, she faced certain differences with her husband Anuj (played by Gaurav Khanna) as he blames her of ignoring him and their daughter Anu (played by Asmi Deo) and giving all attention in solving the marital issues faced by Pakhi, (played by Muskaan Bamne) and her husband.
However, Anupamaa denies it and says that she is doing everything on her own and she can manage it all. Anuj proves his point by showing a school that she forgot to fill up.
Now, in the latest promo dropped by the makers, Anupamaa realizes her mistake and decides to be a perfect mother and a wife.
She promises her daughter to take her out for a picnic and also shows care and love for Anuj by hugging him while he is sleeping.
Anupamaa tells her daughter: “I will take you out tomorrow. Make a list of the things you want to take with you.”
She talks to herself, saying: “Somewhere, I am failing as a mother and wife. Now, it is time to get grade A as a wife and mother.”
‘Anupamaa’ airs at 10 p.m. on Star Plus.
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