RRR music composer MM Keeravani, who’s known to Hindi film watchers as M.M. Kreem, spoke about the power of simplicity and the person who influenced him to think this way. He shared his music philosophy with Deadline on the red carpet of the 28th Critics Choice Awards in Los Angeles on Sunday night (U.S. Pacific Time).
“I adore John Williams very much. I am a great fan of his music,” Keeravani said about Steven Spielberg’s favourite music composer who shares with Walt Disney the record for getting the highest number of Oscar nominations.
“He taught me simplicity in scoring music … how to be simple and humble … how to make it big by reducing yourself to the very basic necessity of scoring music,” MM Keeravani said, acknowledging Williams’s influence.
“That’s what I learnt from him without his knowledge,” MM Keeravani added with half a smile.
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