Jeethu Joseph, celebrated for his Malayalam cult classics like the Drishyam franchise, Neru, and Memories, as well as comedy hits such as My Boss and Life of Josutty, presents his latest directorial venture, Nunakuzhi. Known for his talent in crafting gripping crime thrillers and engaging comedies, Jeethu Joseph has cast Basil Joseph in the lead role for this film.
Basil Joseph, who is known for his directorial success Minnal Murali (2021) and notable acting roles in Guruvayoor Ambalanadayil, Falimy, and Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey, carries a strong reputation. Despite the positive reviews, Nunakuzhi has not achieved the same level of success as Jeethu Joseph’s previous works or Basil Joseph’s other ventures.
Zee5 has secured the streaming rights for Nunakuzhi, with plans to begin streaming the film on September 13. While Zee5 has yet to make an official announcement, multiple sources have confirmed the OTT release date. Having been released in theaters on August 15, the film’s theatrical run will end in less than a month as it transitions to the digital platform.
The film’s plot spins through three interconnected storylines and a wild fight sequence, all packed into a single day and night. It revolves around a couple on the verge of divorce, a high-flying managing director from a conglomerate, and a mix of drunken film industry folks along with a civil servant. It kicks off with an income tax raid on Basil Joseph’s office, propelling him into a series of comedic escapades as he tries to retrieve a laptop with some compromising footage. The film’s blend of humor and chaotic events sets up a possible sequel, though that’s unlikely given its less-than-stellar theatrical performance. According to Sacnilk, it only raked in INR 18.9 crore worldwide in its first 12 days.
The casting in Nunakuzhi was exceptional, with each actor well-suited to their role. Basil Joseph stood out as the charmingly goofy CEO, grounding the film with his performance and dynamic chemistry with Grace Antony. Grace Antony delivered an authentic and engaging performance, while Nikhila Vimal excelled as Basil’s wife. Despite having a smaller role, Aju Varghese performed admirably. Baiju Santhosh, in his role as a police officer, showcased his often-overlooked talent. Siddique added depth with his mix of fear and humor, and Althaf Salim made a memorable impact as the aspiring writer-director.
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