Kollywood superstar Dhanush’s fans can’t contain their excitement on the occasion of their favourite actor’s birthday. Dhanush who turned 37 today has been going viral all over the internet following all the warm and adorable wishes that his fans have been trending on various social media platforms. After the release of the first track, ‘Ratika Ratika’ from the birthday boy’s upcoming release, Jagame Thandhiram, fans of the multiple times National award-winning actor had yet another surprise.
The surprise that we are talking about came in from the makers of another film of Dhanush, Karnan. It was this afternoon when the makers took to Twitter to share an intriguing title poster of Karnan.
Karnan is being bankrolled by producer Kalaipulli S Thanu. The producer took to his twitter handle and shared the title poster along with a tweet that read, “As a birthday gift to @dhanushkraja from #TeamKarnan The title look and a glimpse into the making of #Karnan will be released on my YouTube Channel at 5.55 pm today.”
இனிய பிறந்தநாள் வாழ்த்துக்கள் தம்பி தனுஷ்! As a birthday gift to @dhanushkraja from #TeamKarnan The title look and a glimpse into the making of #Karnan will be released on my YouTube Channel at 5.55 pm today. #HappyBirthdayDhanush pic.twitter.com/9xhuX49QzZ
— Kalaippuli S Thanu (@theVcreations) July 28, 2020
Talking about the title poster, one gets to see a sword held high by a group of people. The makers have unveiled the title poster of Karnan in Tamil as well as in English.
More about Karnan, the Dhanush starrer features the gorgeous Malayalam actress Rajisha Vijayan as the female lead. The film also stars Saaho actor Lal in a key role with popular Tamil comedian Yogi Babu.
Karnan is been helmed by director Mari Selavaraj.
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