Brad Pitt Had To Once Reshoot 40 Minutes Of World War Z As The Ending Was Disastrous
Brad Pitt Once Reshot 40 Minutes Of His Film World War Z To Fix The Disastrous Ending(Image Credit: Getty)

Brad Pitt starred in 2013 World War Z, a horror movie with zombies. The film was also highly troubled and was labeled as a disaster. The screenwriter of the film was Damon Lindelof, who is known for writing Prometheus and Star Trek Into Darkness, was approached by Pitt for advice to help his then-upcoming film.

Lindelof revealed in an interview that World War Z had to re-write and reshoot 40 minutes of the movie to find a good ending which was also understandable. This also led to the budget skyrocket to around $200 million.

Brad Pitt explained to Lindelof who told Vanity Fair “When we started working on the script, a lot of that stuff had to fall away for the story to come together. We started shooting the thing before we locked down how it was going to end up, and it didn’t turn out the way we wanted it to.”

The Ocean’s Eleven actor had asked Lindelof to watch an early edit and told him, “The thing we really need right now is someone who is not burdened by all the history that this thing is inheriting, who can see what we’ve got and tell us how to get to where we need to get.”

Brad Pitt wasn’t the only one who knew that the ending was a disaster and it needed fixing. Marc Evans, Paramount executive watched the director’s cut and told Vanity Fair, “It was, like, Wow. The ending of our movie doesn’t work. I believed in that moment we needed to reshoot the movie.”

It was Pitt’s passion for the project that prevailed. The screenwriter recalled his meeting with Brad Pitt and told, “He took me through how excited he was when he read the book, what was exciting for him, the geopolitical aspect of it.”

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