Recently, Netflix’s series Squid Game has been echoing through every corner of social media, and if you have spent enough time on it, then you must have heard its name. Released less than two weeks ago, this South Korean drama has sat atop of Netflix’s global top 10 charts since 24 September. Currently, it is the most-watched show in 90 countries and as Netflix announced, it’s on its way to becoming the most popular series from the streaming giant. This would mean that Squid Game will dethrone Bridgerton which has 82 million accounts viewing it.
All of this sounds promising but how come a show with a silly name, go from relative anonymity just a couple of weeks ago to the path of becoming Netflix’s most popular series ever?
Squid Game is a South Korean series revolving around a survival game based on six childhood games except it is more of a life and death situation, depending on if you win or lose. So what really made this show so popular on Netflix can be understood through three reasons.
Firstly, Squid Game’s theme has attracted the viewers most. The theme of class struggle has always been a universal one and as more years pass by, the disparity has grown. However, instead of just focusing on two polar opposite classes, the show captures smaller themes like survival of the fittest, trust-building, kindness and family. Another example of a successful Korean film based on the theme of class struggle is Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite.
Secondly, Netflix has been emphasizing on global accessibility of their films and shows to be a priority. The streaming giant started to create its original content in 2013, with House of Cards being its first series. Many years after did only the streaming service started to create international series, like the Spanish teen murder mystery thriller Elite and German sci-fi series Dark.
Now that the company has expanded to over 190 countries, it has started to produce content that can encapture the global market. Several Japanese and Brazilian shows have been trending on it. Especially South Korean dramas like Persona, Sweet Home and Love Alarms. Considering most of the series and films are a hit, there would be no reason for the streaming service to stop.
Thirdly, Squid Game has a spectacular production value. Despite being a dark show, it is shot in a very vibrant, colourful setting, highlighting the violent absurdity of the games. The sets are elaborate and give off a dystopian feeling to them.
Have you watched Netflix’s Squid Game? Share your thoughts on it with us!
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