Oscar nominations for 2022 were announced on Tuesday and the list has been leaving the Indians proud for a very specific reason. The documentary Writing with Fire has grabbed a nomination in the Best Documentary Feature category, becoming the only Indian piece to secure a place this year. Movies like Suriya’s Jai Bhim and Mohanlal’s Marakkar: Lion of the Arabian Sea were also in the race with 279 other eligible movies but failed to make the final cut.
The documentary film, Writing With Fire, narrates the story of Dalit female journalists who run a newspaper named Khabar Lahariya in a rural part of the country. It shows the newspaper’s transition from print to digital while stressing topics like women’s empowerment and the fight against patriarchy.
As the nominations were announced on Tuesday, the director of Writing With Fire, Rintu Thomas, shared a heartfelt video of the moment when their documentary’s name was taken amongst the nominated films. In the clip, she can be seen celebrating the moment by cheering out loud while sharing hugs with family and co-director Sushmit Ghosh, as they were sitting together in the living room. “Oh My God!!!! Writing With Fire just got nominated for @TheAcademy Award. Oh My God!!!!!!!! #OscarNoms #WritingWithFire”, the caption read. Have a look.
Oh My God!!!! Writing With Fire just got nominated for @TheAcademy Award. Oh My God!!!!!!!! #OscarNoms #WritingWithFire pic.twitter.com/X9TlcCF2Xd
— Rintu Thomas (@RintuThomas11) February 8, 2022
Netizens also expressed their excitement over the nominations through social media posts. A few people were seen talking about the movie Jai Bhim and the similarities between the two movies. Here are a few.
#WritingWithFire a wholly Indian documentary written, produced and directed by Indians about a Dalit-run newspaper has been nominated for an academy award for best documentary! Congratulations to the team! pic.twitter.com/pWyW9y7MLg
— Sangita (@Sanginamby) February 9, 2022
If you support jai bhim movie for the right reasons, you'll also cheer with the same enthusiasm for #WritingWithFire . Because telling the stories of dalit,bahujan, adivasi community is the main reason why some of us watched jai bhim to begin with.
— Vignesh🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ (@Vignesh50880630) February 9, 2022
HISTORY HAS BEEN MADE#WritingWithFire by @RintuThomas11 & #SushmitGhosh, NOMINATED for the Best Documentary feature at the 94th Oscars.@KhabarLahariya @TajdarJunaid @ishaanchhabra90 pic.twitter.com/tZQSxlSGir
— CinemaRare (@CinemaRareIN) February 8, 2022
Huge congratulations for this honour @KhabarLahariya Proud moment, India’s 🇮🇳 official entry for #Oscars2022 #WritingWithFire pic.twitter.com/wyGX5nbU0x
— Tahir Ashraf (@Tahir_A) February 8, 2022
Congratulations to @RintuThomas11 & Sushmit Ghosh & the entire team of #WritingWithFire (@BlckTcktFilms) on the Oscar nomination. All the best for the Oscars!
Thank you for the love & we hope you'll continue supporting our work in the years to come.
Team Khabar Lahariya pic.twitter.com/5xKIjjXVgF— Khabar Lahariya (@KhabarLahariya) February 9, 2022
For the unversed, several international movies were named in the nominations for the 94th Academy Awards. Movies like Dune, Belfast, The Power of the Dog, and West Side Story, took the lead, getting nominated in more categories than one. Films like Don’t Look Up and Flee were also amongst the movies that made a place in the possible winners’ list. Actor Kristen Stewart was a major highlight at the Tuesday event as she was nominated for the first time for her work in the movie Spencer which is based on the life of Princess Diana.
Tune in to Koimoi for more on Academy Awards 2022