Can Kate Hudson See Dead People? Actress Makes Bizarre Confession On Haward Stern Show
Kate Hudson Says She Could See Ghosts All The Time. (Photo Credit – Instagram)

During a recent appearance on the Howard Stern Show, actress Kate Hudson made a stunning revelation, claiming she could see dead people. Hudson opened up about her paranormal connection after being asked about the longstanding rumors that she and her famous mom, Goldie Hawn, have psychic abilities while visiting The Howard Stern Show on Tuesday, May 7.

Kate Hudson confessed she could talk to dead people when she was younger, but the link has supposedly faded over the years. When Stern quipped if the spirit of his late father was hovering around the studio, Hundson revealed she hadn’t seen a dead person since she was younger, noting she was “a little bit” like Haley Joel Osment in “The Sixth Sense” as a kid.

Kate Hudson explained, “It’s like you get these sort of messages. When I was a little girl, it was actually quite wild because I could see ghosts all the time. I was a little bit like The Sixth Sense — like, ‘I see dead people.’ It was a little bit like that when I was younger.”

It should be noted that this is not the first time that the Almost Famous actress has opened up about her supernatural powers. In 2014, Kate Hudson told host Alan Carr that she and her mom could see dead people. The actress then clarified she couldn’t exactly see them but could feel their energy.

When Stern asked Hudson if she believed in an afterlife, the actress explained that the concept of life after death is “probably more scientific than we all even know.” She added, “I think it’s very multidimensional. We think we should be all-knowing, but we’re not. We’ll see it when we get there, but I think it’s going to be f—ing weird — but beautiful!”

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