Friends has been one of the most loved and longest running sitcoms in the history of television. Created by Martha Kauffman, David Crane and Kevin S. Bright, the show stars Jennifer Aniston aka Rachel Green, Courteney Cox aka Monica Geller, David Schwimmer aka Ross Geller, Matthew Perry aka Chandler Bing, Matt LeBlanc aka Joey Tribbiani and Lisa Kudrow aka Phoebe Buffay.

Well, we all knew about Matthew’s addiction to drugs while the show was still running successfully. Martha spoke to US Weekly during the Producer Guild Awards on Saturday and revealed how the staff was fully ‘supportive’ towards his intention of leaving drugs and becoming sober.

Friends Creator, Martha Kauffman REVEALS How Matthew Perry AKA Chandler Bing Struggled His Drug Addiction During The Show
Friends Creator Martha Kauffman REVEALS How Matthew Perry AKA Chandler Bing Struggled His Drug Addiction During The Show

“We were certainly aware of some of it and we certainly had some conversations about it. [We were] protective and, hopefully, supportive,” Martha said.

While talking to The Hollywood Reporter in 2015 and said, “I’ve had a lot of ups and downs in my life and a lot of wonderful accolades, but the best thing about me is that if an alcoholic comes up to me and says, ‘Will you help me stop drinking?’ I will say, ‘Yes. I know how to do that.'”

He further added, “When I was in big trouble, it was so public because I was on a TV show that 30 million people were watching. The fact that I [am] on TV makes people listen a little bit more, so I take advantage of that from time to time.”

Well, now Perry is all sober and is living in his Malibu house, California.

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