On its sixth Friday, Drishyam 2 had collected 0.53 crores at the box office. That itself was quite good since a new Bollywood film, Cirkus, has released as well. Moreover, Avatar: The Way of Water was going great guns as well. However, when collections went double on Saturday (1.07 crores) and then saw further jump of over 50% on Sunday (1.66 crores), indications were that Monday hold would be quite good and the film’s numbers won’t fall more than 20%.
Well, this didn’t quite turn out to be the case, what with the numbers actually going up instead of going down on Monday. Yes, that’s correct. The film in fact saw a jump in numbers, and that too quite well, what with 0.75 crores* coming in on Monday. For audiences, this is one epic success that’s turning out to be the most interesting of them all as far as Hindi releases are playing, and that’s reflecting in the footfalls that just refuse to slow down.
Drishyam 2 has now collected 228.69 crores* and there is a good chance of it topping Hindi version collections of Brahmastra. Of course, that’s more of an academic interest since at the end of the day a film would be known by the overall numbers that it gathers and not language by language. In that aspect, this films would stay behind Brahmastra. However, given the fact that it has been made at a far lesser budget and didn’t quite have an ‘event film’ tag attached to it, what the Ajay Devgn starrer has done is simply unbelievable.
*Estimates. Final numbers awaited
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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