Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao’s Stree 2 has been on a record-breaking spree ever since it hit theatres. After creating an all-time record in paid previews, it is refusing to slow down in achieving milestones, and now, during the second weekend, the film is enjoying a god-level response at the Indian box office. As per the collection update of day 10, it has registered the biggest-ever second Saturday in the history of Hindi cinema. Keep reading to know more!
Directed by Amar Kaushik, the Stree sequel is the fifth installment in the Maddock Supernatural Universe. It benefitted immensely from being part of a cinematic universe, and even the goodwill of the first installment created an organic buzz on the ground level. The craze got elevated when the content turned out to be good, and now, there’s no stopping for this sequel.
On the second Friday, Stree 2 raked in an impressive 19.30 crores. After such a score on Friday, it was expected to show a big jump yesterday, but no one ever thought the collection would surpass the 30 crore mark at the Indian box office. The film stunned everyone with its response and registered a monstrous jump of 75.12% to earn 33.80 crores on the second Saturday.
With 33.80 crores, Stree 2 has now become the highest second Saturday earner in the history of Hindi films. It surpassed Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal, which did a business of 32.47 crores on its second Saturday. Sunny Deol’s Gadar 2 is in third place with 31.07 crores. Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan is in fourth place with a collection of 30.10 crores.
Take a look at the highest second Saturday collection of Hindi films at the Indian box office (Hindi collection only):
- Stree 2 – 33.80 crores
- Animal – 32.47 crores
- Gadar 2 – 31.07 crores
- Jawan – 30.10 crores
- Baahubali 2: The Conclusion – 26.50 crores
- The Kashmir Files – 24.80 crores
- Pathaan – 22.50 crores
- Dangal – 22.17 crores
- Sanju – 22.02 crores
- Bajrangi Bhaijaan – 19.25 crores
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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