Bollywood actors like Aamir Khan, Akshay Kumar, Taapsee Pannu and director Anurag Kashyap are the latest actor’s who reacted to the boycott trend. Ahead of the release of Laal Singh Chaddha and Raksha Bandhan, netizens called for a boycott of both films owing to their actions and controversies in the past. The latest Bollywood actor to react to the same is Swara Bhasker, who awaits the release of her upcoming Jahaan Chaar Yaar.
Before the release of these films, netizens heavily got #BoycottLaalSinghChaddha and #BoycottRakshaBandhan trends on Twitter. So much so that its effect was clearly visible on both the films’ box office collections.
In her recent interview, Swara Bhasker spoke at length about the boycott culture in Bollywood and said it kick-started after the death of Sushant Singh Rajput, who ended his life in June 2020. Recently, Swara compared the boycott trend to calling Rahul Gandhi ‘Pappu’ and said Bollywood is reduced to place of s*x, drugs and a dark place.
Speaking to India Today, Swara Bhasker gave a few reasons behind the boycott trend and said, “There’s this whole trend on Twitter and on social media, they want to bring Bollywood down, they call it stupid names. I find it so petty, and also disgusting because I feel that these people in their blind hatred are forgetting that Bollywood gives a livelihood to many people.”
Swara Bhasker first quoted Anurag Kashyap and said, “The country is going through an economic slump’ and film is a leisure activity and no one wants to spend money on leisure when things otherwise are so costly. So, that’s the first thing and nobody’s talking about that. Everyone is blaming Bollywood, as if Bollywood is responsible for people not coming to the theater. That’s totally untrue.”
“Secondly, after COVID, people don’t want to go out of their houses. The third reason is that OTT has come in and really disrupted the watching experience. The fourth reason is after the unfortunate and tragic suicide of Sushant, Bollywood has been painted as a really dark place, that is only about drugs and alcohol and sex. My question is very simple, ‘if everyone is doing just this, then who is making films?’ Unfortunately, Bollywood is being discredited. There are people who just don’t like Bollywood,” added Swara.
This is when she compared the situation to Rahul Gandhi and said, “I don’t know it’s kind of a strange comparison but I am reminded of Rahul Gandhi. Everyone kept calling him pappu, so now everybody believes it. I have met him and he is a perfectly intelligent and articulate man. With Bollywood also, this ‘pappufication’ has happened.”
Well, there were Swara Bhasker’s thoughts? What are your thoughts on her statement? Do let us know.
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