Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra are set to tie the nuptial knot this weekend (February 4-6) at the Suryagarh Palace in Jaisalmer. While the couple may not have confirmed – or denied, the news, paparazzi from Mumbai is headed to the heritage hotel to provide coverage. In fact, the hotel confirmed the impending nuptial by reacting to the paparazzo’s Instagram post (which shared details of the venue and date) and writing ‘see you soon’.
Well, so how royal is this palace? How many rooms do they have and what is the cost to stay in them per night? What are the other features they offer? If these are the questions you want answers to, then scroll down as we give you a written tour of everything this heritage hotel offers its guests.
A look at the hotel’s website reveals Suryagarh Palace is located in the middle of the vast expanse of the Thar desert. This royal location that will see Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani become husband and wife boasts of pools, a lake garden, an archery workshop, exotic royal rooms and multiple cuisines as well as views of the scenic vast barren land.
The Suryagarh Palace provides two gardens and courtyards, 83 rooms and air connectivity to Jaisalmer for weddings. The cheapest rooms at Sidharth Malhotra & Kiara Advani’s wedding venue are the Fort Rooms which cost around ₹21,000 per night on weekdays and climb up to approx ₹36,000 on weekends. The most expensive room at the heritage property is the Jaisalmer Haveli and it cost an average of ₹76,000 per night. In case you plan on renting a room there at the moment, let us tell you that the hotel is currently not open for bookings between February 4-11. (Room cost excludes taxes and fees)
Talking about the property’s other features, the palace has two gardens – the open sky Celebration Gardens which features tasselled canopies and mattress-style seating for a desi dining experience and the Lake Gardens, where guests can dine by the lakeside under the open sky and dimly lit setting. Their food menu covers a range of cuisines including local food and charcoal grills.
Take a look at some pictures of Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani’s wedding venue here:
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Talking about the wedding, Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra have neither confirmed the wedding date nor the venue (at the time of the article being written). As per reports, the 100+ guest list includes names such as Karan Johar, Manish Malhotra, Shahid Kapoor and wife Mira Rajput and more.
Stay tuned to Koimoi for more news and updates.
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