Salman Khan who earlier said that he would never do a horror movie has now changed his mind and is entering a new genre. He is all set to do a horror movie titled ‘Aadamkhor’ under his production house called Salman Khan’s Production House. He has already registered the title with the Indian Motion Pictures Producers Association (IMPPA).

Salman has only done one horror movie throughout his career, Suryavanshi which also starred Amrita Singh and Kader Khan. The movie was a disaster indeed and didn’t work well on the big screen.

Salman Khan to act in a horror movie under his production house titled Aadamkhor
Salman Khan To Star In A Horror Film? To Be Titled As Aadamkhor!

A source close to India Today added, “Amrita Singh played a queen who comes back to claim her lover Salman Khan and she has a tribe of man-eating, half-men half-beasts to kill her suitors. We are not sure if that is the same subject that he plans to make in a different manner.”

Salman Khan is currently shooting for Dabangg 3 in Madhya Pradesh and the movie is all set to release by the end of this year. Dabangg 3 also stars Sonakshi Sinha, Arbaaz Khan and is directed by Prabhu Deva.

In fact, on Monday, Salman posted a video on Instagram saying, “Arbaaz Khan and I have just landed in Indore where we were both born and we are going to Mandleshwar and Maheshwar to shoot for Dabangg 3 where our grandfather was posted when he was in the police force.”


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