Today (September 4) marks the 72nd birth anniversary of the legendary actor Rishi Kapoor. Apart from having an illustrious career in the film industry, during which he experimented with diverse roles, the actor was also known for being bold and free-spirited. He was not afraid to bare it all, even if that came across as intimidating to other people. Who can forget his memoir Khullam Khulla wherein he penned several aspects of his personal and professional life in the most brutally honest manner. While he listed down several exciting trivia in the book, one of the things that stood out was his relationship with his Bobby co-star Dimple Kapadia.
In his memoir Khullam Khulla, he mentioned how his linkup rumors with Dimple Kapadia jeopardized his relationship with his first girlfriend, a Parsi woman named Yasmin Mehta. For the unversed, the 1973 film Bobby marked Rishi Kapoor’s first leading role as the male protagonist and Dimple Kapadia’s debut in the Hindi film industry. Kapoor was already dating Yasmin before the film’s release. However, his and Dimple’s friendship on the movie sets, coupled with their scintillating chemistry in the film, led a leading film magazine to print about a budding romance between them. This did not affect Kapadia much as she was married to Rajesh Khanna by then. Still, unfortunately, Rishi Kapoor’s then-girlfriend Yasmin Mehta broke off their relationship despite the late actor trying a lot to get her back.
However, this was not the only shocking anecdote that Rishi Kapoor mentioned in Khullam Khulla. The actor recalled how he was presented with a ring by Yasmin Mehta while was shooting for Bobby. Rishi Kapoor remembered how Dimple Kapadia would pull off the ring from his finger and wear it herself. Not only this, but she also ended up keeping the ring. However, when Rajesh Khanna saw the ring on her finger, he was not pleased. He flung the ring into the sea in a fit of anger. The incident also made it to the tabloids, wherein the headline screamed, ‘Rajesh Khanna throws Rishi Kapoor’s ring into the sea.’ However, the late actor mentioned in his memoir that he had never been in love with Dimple Kapadia in any manner.
Apart from this, Rishi Kapoor also mentioned how his wife Neetu Kapoor was threatened only in their marriage when he worked with Dimple Kapadia in the 1985 film Saagar. Neetu Kapoor confided the same to Rishi Kapoor much later in their marriage. Well, this proves that despite several rumors, Rishi Kapoor and Dimple Kapadia shared an endearing platonic relationship. During the later years, they worked in films like Pyaar Mein Twist and Patiala House.
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