Actress Poonam Pandey, who is well known for her bold avatars has filed an FIR against Shilpa Shetty’s husband Raj Kundra in the Bombay High Court. The case has been filed over her app that was allegedly handled by one of Kundra’s company and the actress has accused the businessman of leaking her number there which led to storming her phone with calls and messages to strip.
It all came into light yesterday when Poonam Pandey filed an FIR against Kundra along with his associate Saurabh Kushwah. Both the parties had associated back in March 2019, for an app that was run by Poonam’s name. It was reportedly decided that both ends will be sharing the revenue, but owing to some discrepancies, the actress decided to call off the association.
That is when issues started as per the actress, who alleges that despite the deal being off the table, Kundra and associates continued putting her pictures and videos on the site. Even her phone number was leaked which led to Poonam Pandey receiving continuous vulgar calls from viewers across the country, and even from places like Lahore.
In a conversation with Times Of India, Poonam Pandey opened up all about it as, “We had agreed upon a certain percentage of the revenue generated by the app to be given to me. However, I realized certain discrepancies in revenue sharing and hence, decided to terminate the contract. I also informed them about the same via email. All hell has broken loose since. They continue to post my pictures and videos on the app. To my horror, they also leaked my personal mobile number along with messages like ‘Call me now as I am free to talk’ and ‘Call me now. Let us talk and I will strip for you’ on the app. After that, I started receiving calls from all over, not in dozens but thousands, at odd hours, asking me for explicit services. People started sending me pornographic images and videos. I even left the country for three months hoping that the situation will become normal on its own. However, as soon as I landed back, I started receiving calls and obscene messages all over again. Sometimes, I would get calls where I could only hear heavy breathing from the other side. These callers claim to know my address, too. I changed my number, but after I messaged Saurabh Kushwah from my new number, asking him to refrain from uploading my pictures and videos on the app, I started receiving calls and messages on that number, too.”
However, Saurabh, on the other hand, has quashed all the allegations, terming them false.
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