Upcoming Bollywood actress Payal Ghosh says it has been four months since she alleged se*ual harassment against filmmaker Anurag Kashyap, but Mumbai Police is yet to do their job.
“It’s been 4 months and no action has been taken against #AnuragKashyap in spite of me providing evidence. Do I have to die to get the proceedings going?” Payal tweeted on Monday.
“It’s been a while and @mumbaipolice hasn’t done it’s best. An earnest request. It’s a matter of women and we should be aware of what examples we are setting,” Payal Ghosh wrote in a separate tweet.
It’s been 4 months and no action has been taken against #AnuragKashyap inspite of me providing evidence. Do I have to die to get the proccedings going ?
— Payal Ghosh ॐ (@iampayalghosh) December 21, 2020
It’s been a while and @mumbaipolice hasn’t done it’s best. An earnest request . It’s a matter of women and we should be aware of what examples we are setting.
— Payal Ghosh ॐ (@iampayalghosh) December 21, 2020
In September this year, Payal Ghosh had opened up on social media alleging that filmmaker Anurag Kashyap had se*ually harassed her in 2013. However, in his statement given to Mumbai Police, Kashyap denied the allegation saying at that time, he was in Sri Lanka for a shoot and termed the allegations as an “absolute lie”.