Neena Gupta has been an actor who has always set goals for the generations to come. Be with her characters on screen, or her off-camera persona. The actor who was recently seen in Vikas Khanna directorial, The Last Colour. Neena joined Koimoi for an exclusive chat where she spoke about many things including work, to saying no to projects. And most importantly life after the Instagram poster where she bravely asked for work. Read on to know what the actor has to say.
For the unversed, back in 2017, Neena Gupta took to Instagram and put up a post asking for roles in films. The post went viral, and in no time, the veteran actor had set one more example. Even Priyanka Chopra Jonas expressed she was inspired by her from that post.
Down years from it now, Neena Gupta was seen in a blockbuster film Badhaai Ho, two web series Masaba Masaba and Panchayat, has an international project in her kitty and more. When asked if she is in a better position, she said, “Oh it feels great. The only thing is I wish this would have happened a few years earlier. But I am feeling great, trying to keep myself fit so I can work. Now I can actually say no to what I don’t want to do. I am thankful to god, and I am really enjoying this phase.”
Neena Gupta was further asked if she feels there is an abundance of work now, and that is not only for young women. She said, “Yes, things have changed especially because of OTT platforms. So because people are watching it, because they are becoming hits now, more and more people are writing om different subjects. Because now there is hope that they will be taken by the financers. And actors will be interested in doing them. So it is a very good phase right now. Things are changing very fast and in a positive way. It is a golden period, I feel.”
On that note, Neena Gupta also spoke about the thing she will not do in her career now. She said, “ I will not do any work that doesn’t excite me anymore.” When asked how does she say no, she said, “I just say no, and I am not excited about it. I actually say that. My manager tells me to be diplomatic and all, but I am like why do we need to do that. Then they will argue and try to convince by making changes in the script. This happened once, a manager told them that I did not like something in the script. They were ready to make the changes. Then I realised that the best thing to say is that this doesn’t excite me. Uske baad kya bolega koi?”
More power to the powerhouse of talent!
Catch-All The Conversation Right Below: