Mahira Khan broke the internet once when it was announced that she was the leading lady in Shah Rukh Khan starrer Raees. However, she earned fans in India when her show with Fawad Khan Humsafar, aired on Zee Zindagi, and she won hearts. Now, the Raees actress has finally tied the knot to her long-time boyfriend Salim Karim, in a beautiful ceremony and the wedding video will make you go aww.
Mahira makes an absolutely stunning bride and as she walks down the aisle with a long-tailed veil, the groom Salim Karim wins the internet with his expressive reactions.
Looking at Mahira Khan, walking towards him, Salim Karim breaks down. The couple go for a long, warm hug after Salim lifts her veil. The video is super sweet, and netizens cannot stop obsessing over Mahira looking like a million dreams – an absolute hoor walking down straight from heaven.
Her fans dropped beautiful comments, wishing the couple eternal happiness. Videos and pictures from the Raees actress’ wedding have been going viral on Instagram and Reddit. A user reacted, “She is really a Santoor mom, she has a 14-year-old son.”
Another comment read, “Find a man that looks at you like Salim Karim looked at Mahira Khan.” Another fan confirmed the news, “Yes, married to her long-term businessman bf Salim Karim. Walked down to the aisle to Man Kunto Maula . Hope she posts the beautiful pictures.” Some fans wanted to see her Humsafar co-star, and one wrote, “The wedding looks fire!!! I wonder if Fawad and his wife went.”
Another fan commented, “Congratulations to Khirad on finding her Ashar.”
You can see one of the videos from her wedding posted on Maliha Rehman’s Instagram account here.
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We wish loads of happiness for the newlyweds! May they belong to each other till eternity!
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