Earlier, Aamir Khan dropped the motion logo from his upcoming movie Laal Singh Chaddha which received a lot of great responses from the fans. After wrapping up with his first schedule, now Aamir Khan is headed towards Punjab to start his next schedule of the movie.
Chandigarh and Amritsar are the next locations for the next shooting schedule for the movie and the team of Laal Singh Chaddha is en route for the same. The first schedule for the film began earlier last week and the shooting will take place in more than 100 locations across India to keep it as authentic as possible.
Before the first schedule, Aamir Khan’s mother Zeenat Hussain gave the Muhurat clap to begin production as it is one of the most ambitious projects for the actor.
The superstar is playing the role of a Punjabi for which he is undergoing a massive physical change.
Written by Atul Kulkarni, the film is helmed by Advait Chandan and will be produced by Viacom18 Studios and Aamir Khan Productions. The movie is slated to hit the theatres during Christmas 2020.
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