Ishaan Khatter and Ananya Pandey action drama, Khaali Peeli created a stir upon its digital release. The Maqbool Khan directorial was launched on an OTT on October 2. Now, as per latest news, the makers have decided to release the film theatrically after cinemas open on October 15. Not only this film, but Ka Pae Ranasingam too is heading for a theatrical release.
A trade analyst tweeted about the same on Friday. In his tweet, he mentioned that the Hindi film Khaali Peeli and the Tamil film Ka Pae Ranasingam would release in theatres on October 16.
Komal Nahta’s tweet read, “Breaking news: KhaaliPeeli and Tamil KaaPaeRanasingam to be released theatrically on Friday, 16th October. While most multiplex chains have responded favourably to Zee Studios’ move, a couple of them which are sitting on the fence, are also expected to come around.”
Ghibran’s Ka Pae Ranasingam stars Vijay Sethupati and Aishwarya Rajesh. The Tamil film opened on October 2 and its dubbed versions – Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada and Hindi – released on October 9.
Both these films, Khaali Peeli and Ka Pae Ranasingam were released on OTT in a pay-per-view strategy. The decision to release these films for the big screen comes after the government gave its green signal for cinemas to reopen amid the new normal.
Last week, Information and Broadcasting Minister Prakash Javadekar announced standard operating protocols (SOP) for cinema halls, stating that halls would be allowed to function with only 50 per cent occupancy. Single screens and multiplexes were closed in March owing to the COVID lockdown.
Director Ram Gopal Varma plans to release his film “Corona Virus” in theatres, too. It was shot during the lockdown. Varma had recently tweeted, “Finally theatres are open from October 15th and happy to announce that Coronavirus will be the first film to release after lockdown.”
Will you catch these films in theatres now? Do let us know your thoughts in the comments. Also for more news and updates about your favourites celebrities, films and shows, stay tuned to Koimoi.
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