The Mumbai rains on Wednesday left Kangana Ranaut in a romantic mood. The Bollywood actress yearned for the person meant for her to show up.
Kangana took to her Instagram Story to share a beautiful photograph of herself lost in thoughts.
“Nothing’s more romantic than Mumbai rains, but single people can just daydream. Who is meant for me please show up na,” Kangana Ranaut captioned her photo along with a couple of red heart emojis!”
Kangana Ranaut recently took to social media to welcome the month of June saying it has ushered happy feelings, sparkling thoughts and new ideas in her mind.
Taking to Instagram Story, Kangana wrote: “Who all can feel a sudden gush of happy feelings, sparkling thoughts and new ideas with the beginning of June? There is a massive shift in how agitated and tired I felt through all of April and May. I am hopeful that this fizzy sparkling feeling will sustain…”
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