Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut attended Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain’s sangeet ceremony. The Thalaivii actress took to her Instagram account to share pictures and videos of the couple.
In the pictures, Kangana Ranaut can be seen wearing navy blue coloured lehenga choli with heavy jewellery and a sheer dupatta.
While on the other hand, Ankita Lokhande looked stunning in a shimmery lehenga, while Vicky Jain donned a black designer suit.
Kangana Ranaut posted her picture on Instagram with a heart emoji, mentioning: “Make love not war… Aaj mere yaar ki shaadi hai… @lokhandeankita.”
In her Instagram Stories, Kangana a picture with the couple and wrote: “@lokhandeankita will always have my heart. Love you girl.”
Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain are getting married on Tuesday in a private ceremony due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Earlier they had planned a red carpet event for the media but now it has been cancelled, according to the reports.
They have asked everyone to wish them on their special day.