After the historic box office success of Pathaan, everyone has their attention fixed on Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan. The film marks the superstar’s pan-India debut, releasing in as many as five Indian languages. With his comeback film hitting the mark of 1000 crores globally, high expectations are pinned on SRK’s next and the latest we hear is about YRF offering to distribute it. Keep reading to know more!
For the unversed, with Pathaan, YRF officially kicked off their Spy Universe. The factor of Shah Rukh making a grand comeback after 4 long years already created a lot of buzz but the film performed way beyond expectations at the box office. It went on to become the only Hindi film to earn over 1000 crores globally. In return, it is learnt that the production house has offered to distribute his film to thank him.
As per the report on, YRF will be distributing Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan in the overseas market. It is said to be a masterstroke considering the fact that the company ensured Pathaan gets the widest release in overseas. It is further learned that it was YRF’s gesture of thanking SRK for delivering a 1000 crore blockbuster under their banner.
Meanwhile, Shah Rukh Khan’s alleged action sequence from Jawan was recently leaked online, creating a tizzy on social media. The short clip of about five to six seconds shows the star with short hair and a light beard fighting with goons with a belt while holding a cigar in his mouth. The video was in slow-motion. The clip was removed for violating Red Chillies copyright, confirming it was an original leak.
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