Shah Rukh Khan starrer Jawan is still going strong at the box office and isn’t backing anytime soon. The superstar did an ‘Ask me anything’ series on X (formerly known as Twitter) and gave savage responses to fans on the platform. Now, Redditors on the platform on to the series of new events are discussing how Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was the first choice for the Atlee directorial and not Deepika Padukone and reacting to it in the comments. Imagine Devdas and Paro’s collaboration after almost two decades… that would have been a dream come true!
However, DP nailed her cameo in the SRK starrer and received praise from fans for her small yet crucial role in the film. And talking about the actor’s camaraderie with Aishwarya in Bollywood, the two have delivered some of the most iconic performances of their career together.
Now, talking about the Reddit thread by Bolly Blind N Gossip, it had Deepika Padukone’s still from Jawan and the caption read, “What could be the reason Aishwarya Rai rejected this role? Would’ve been nice to see SRK-Aish pair again.”
What could be the reason Aishwarya Rai rejected this role? Would’ve been nice to see SRK-Aish pair again.
byu/humanbeing3333 inBollyBlindsNGossip
Reacting to the post on Reddit, a user commented, “Bit of Conspiracy theory: i Think Aishwarya don’t want to dance in movies anymore ( could be a fitness issue, last was i think Raavan ) so she politely refused instead of requesting to remove the sequences.”
Another user commented, “They even named her Aishwarya. It would have been fun to see Ash but i’m glad it was DP. DP emotes better. Ash wouldn’t have been as convincing as DP in the scene after Arraari song imo. I didn’t like her in the recent PS movies.”
A third commented, “Aish- SRK reunion would have been legendary. Why did she reject it ? :(“
What are your thoughts on Redditors wanting to see Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in the Shah Rukh Khan starrer Jawan instead of Deepika Padukone? Tell us in the space below.
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