Bollywood actor Jackie Shroff, who celebrated his birthday recently, spoke about receiving a special gift from his fans. The fans of the actor organized a pooja, a blood donation drive, community lunch for above 10,000 people and distribution of blankets and books to underprivileged children.
The actor expressed gratitude to his fans and said: “I feel really overwhelmed and grateful to have fans who organize such social interest activities. This makes you believe that there are indeed good people in this society. I am really glad that my fans have been organizing such community events and drives for my birthday over the years.”
Jackie Shroff further mentioned: “It is a gift that I will never forget for years to come. I hope they continue doing such good deeds for the betterment of this society.”
Jackie Shroff makes a number of donations to shelter homes and the Haji Ali Dargah on his birthday. He also helps underprivileged children and families as well as senior citizens by providing them food, ration, groceries and blankets.
On the work front, the actor will be seen in ‘Quotation Gang‘ directed by Vivek.K. Kannan. He was last seen in Katrina Kaif led Phone Bhoot.
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