Irrfan Khan’s son Babil Khan keeps remembering his ‘Baba’ every now and then on social media. The 20-year-old shared throwback pictures of his father with a heartfelt caption on Instagram. A user commented on the same and asked if the late actor was smoking a ‘joint’ and Babil gave a kick-a** reply to the same. Read to know more.
Babil is quite active on Instagram and often shares pictures and videos of the late actor.
Sharing the throwback pictures with father Irrfan Khan, Babil Khan wrote, “I’ve been working so hard man, wish you were here to witness.”
A user then commented on the post referring to the third picture where Irrfan Khan can be seen with a smoke and wrote, “Was that a joint?” and replying to the same, the young actor wrote, “@stfu.bazookaaa_ I don’t know where you saw a joint tbh, but if it’s your own desires pulsating through; best of luck. No joints here buddy :).”
That’s one kick-a** reply, Babil.
Meanwhile, actress Tillotama Shome also reacted to Irrfan Khan’s son Babil’s post and commented, “He is watching. Babil I dreamt of us yesterday. Suttapa said we can have ice cream and I got so excited and scouted around this crazy terrain and came back worried with half-melted ice cream. But Irrfan’s smile at seeing the ice cream made us all crack up and made everything so good.”
Film producer, Guneet Monga also reacted to the post and commented, “He is watching you and supporting you and being soooo proud ♥️ god bless 💫 he will always be there to guide you 🤗”.
Well, wherever Irrfan Khan is today, we are sure he must be really proud of his son Babil.
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