Veteran actor Dharmendra and Hema Malini’s younger daughter Ahana Deol welcomed two new members in their family on Thursday. Ahana, who is married to Vaibhav Vohra, gave birth to twin girls on November 26, and they shared the happy news on Instagram.
Sharing the baby news on Instagram stories, Ahana Deol wrote, “We are blessed to announce the arrival of our twin girls, Astraia and Adea Vohra. Born on – 26 November 2020. Proud parents Ahana and Vaibhav Vohra. Excited Brother Darian Vohra. Overjoyed grandparents Pushpa and Vipin Vohra, Hema Malini and Dharmendra Deol.”
Now, yesteryear actress, Hema Malin has reacted to the new arrivals in their family. During a chat with SpotboyE, Hema said, “Ever since Ahana got pregnant I have been shuttling between my home and hers. It is my only outing during the pandemic. Now that there are three children to be looked after at Ahana’s residence I will be spending as much time with them as possible. Ahana’s in-laws’ residence is close to mine.”
The veteran actress also spoke about how her husband Dharmendra reacted to the baby news. She said, “Dharamji says, ‘Hamari phulwari badi ho rahi hai (our garden is growing). With Esha’s two daughters and Ahana’s three children, I couldn’t have asked for more.”
Ahana Deol and Vaibhav Vohra have been married since 2014 and they welcomed their first child in 2015 and named him Darian. The last time Hema Malini and Dharmendra welcomed a newborn baby into their family were in June 2019, when Miraya (daughter of Ahana’s older sister, actor Esha Deol) was born.
Hema Malini also categorically stated that she’s a hands-off mom. She said, “I do not interfere at all with either Esha or Ahana’s lives. They are both capable of making their own decisions. Then they’ve very capable husbands. I am very proud of both my sons-in-law. All decisions are taken by my daughters, their husbands and the husbands’ parents. After them, I’m there for anything. Even regarding spending time with Ahana’s babies, I will make sure I will be there only when they need me.”
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