Bollywood actor Emraan Hasmhi, who has in his acting career of less than a decade gathered a huge fan following in India and abroad, turns 32 years old on March 24th, 2010.

Happy Birthday Emraan Hashmi!
Birthday boy Emraan will spend the day with wife Parveen and son Ayaan.

The actor started out small with the film Footpath in 2003, but got his real break with Murder, where he played the role of a sexy Casanova. This film also earned Emraan the tag of ‘serial kisser’, something that Emraan has since tried to shed by doing a wide variety of roles in his films. Take for example Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai, where Emraan played the role of Mumbai’s reigning gangster. Another thing got Emraan’s career working really well – a majority of his films had hit music, irrespective of whether they worked at the box-office or not.

So while Emraan goes on with celebrating this very special birthday of his with his infant son Ayaan, who was born last year… here’s wishing him a very happy birthday!

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