Actress Esha Gupta shared a steamy picture on social media to bid goodbye to 2020. In the Instagram image, a shirtless Esha is seen sitting on the bed and stretching.
“We made it through December…Grateful for having my family and friends with good health, blessed to have love and be loved.. ready for the wolf moon tonight #bye2020,” she wrote as the caption.
Esha Gupta had recently shared a picture flaunting toned midriff, in boy shorts and a T-shirt.
On the work front, Esha Gupta was last seen as a police officer in the web series “REJCTX2“.
Meanwhile, actresses Esha Gupta and Mallika Sherawat have opened up on the importance of veganism, and the need to spread awareness regarding a plant-based diet rather than kill animals for food.
“I had some tests done in 2013-2014 and found out I was highly lactose intolerant. I would always either throw up or have a bad stomach every time I had milk. So, I gave up milk, curd, and cheese,” she recalled.
Esha Gupta said she completely turned vegan after watching a docu-drama highlighting the environmental impact of food habits. “It was around 2017 when I decided to go completely vegan when I came to know about the environmental impact, after watching a documentary called ‘Cowspiracy’. I come from Uttar Pradesh and never knew what food tasted like without ghee. But it started with a health-conscious practice followed by becoming a hard-core vegan when I gained knowledge about eating plant-based food rather than killing animals.”