Be it her bold fashion choices or social media presence, Disha Patani never fails to impress her fans with literally anything that she does. In a recent interview, the Yodha actress has opened up on social media trolling how she would love to work in a movie like Angelina Jolie’s Tomb Raider. Well, we are pretty sure that will happen soon as Disha does the stunts on her own in her films. Scroll below to read the scoop.
Disha’s next ‘Yodha’ also involves a lot of high octanes action sequences and she’s been working hard on her training. Her Instagram is proof that she takes her work very seriously and often shares her gymnastics training videos with fans.
Talking about the same with Hindustan Times, Disha Patani said, “Action and stunts have always been viewed as a man’s domain but slowly things are changing and I’m hopeful that women will be able to headline action films soon. I would love to work on a film like Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001). That has been a dream.”
Disha Patani further said that she would love to be a part of a superhero film and said, “I’ve always been a fan of this genre and Marvel movies. It would be great to star in a superhero film someday. The entourage of such films is extravagant and shooting in that setting would be something I would really want to at some point in my career.”
The Yodha actress also opened up on the social media trolling and said, “I’ve learned to block out the comments from people who choose to spread hatred and not love on social media platforms. Instagram is a platform for self-expression and I post what I enjoy. It’s as simple as that. I don’t pay attention to negative comments.”
What are your thoughts on Disha Patani following Angelina Jolie’s footsteps? Tell us in the comments below.