Prabhas, Saif Ali Khan, Kriti Sanon and Sunny Singh starrer Adipurush’s teaser was dropped online, it’s been mired in controversy since. Recently, director Om Raut and dialogue writer Manoj Muntashir defended their film and addressed the criticism and flak the film drew ‘maintaining that the motion picture is a representation of their “bhakti and shraddha” for the Ramayana.’ But now things seem to have escalated for the makers.
According to the latest reports, a plea has been filed against the film in a court in Delhi to ban the film from releasing in theatres. Earlier the film was called for a ban by the head priest of Ayodhya temple.
As per the latest reports, advocate Raj Gaurav filed a plea against Adipurush alleging that it has depicted Hindu gods in an “unwarranted” and “inaccurate” way in the teaser. The matter will be heard before senior civil judge Abhishek Kumar on Monday, October 10.
According to a report in India Today, the plea claims, “The defendants have hurt the religious, cultural, historical and civilizational sentiments of the plaintiff and other Hindus by depiction of Hindu gods Lord Ram and Lord Hanuman in a very unwarranted and inaccurate way in the teaser or promotional video of their upcoming movie Adipurush.”
The plea further demanded a ban on the film and it read further, “That prima facie the teaser or promo of the movie is so atrocious wicked and diabolical that it along with the pursuant movie which is to be released on January 12, 2023, should be outrightly banned in its present form in the interest of religious feelings, sentiments and aspirations of Hindus of India and elsewhere.”
Earlier addressing the criticism, director Om Raut and dialogue writer Manoj Muntashir told News18, “We expected a very positive response, to be honest. It is kind of mixed. There are a lot of people who are saying good things about it. There are some people who are not, and there are some differences in their minds. This has been a journey, I must say.” “Not even 1 per cent of the film is a deviation from the Ramayana,” he had added further.
Coming back, what are your thoughts on Adipurush landing in legal soup? Do let us know. Meanwhile, stay tuned to Koimoi for more updates.
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