During lockdown, a lot of celebs are taking up new hobbies like cooking, cleaning and even hair styling. A few days back, Anushka Sharma flaunted her hair styling skills on husband Virat Kohli on social media. Following her footsteps is TV actress Divyanka Tripathi who is also learning new things during the quarantine period and chopping men’s hair like a pro is one of them.

Divyanka’s husband and actor Vivek Dahiya took to Instagram on Friday to share a video of the couple. It’s not one of those mushy videos but a salon at home kind of a clip.

Post Anushka Sharma-Virat Kholi, Now Divyanka Tripathi Showcases Her Styling Skills On Vivek Dahiya!
Post Anushka Sharma-Virat Kholi, Now Divyanka Tripathi Showcases Her Styling Skills On Vivek Dahiya!

“Quarantine haircut. So a couple of days ago I had asked a question if you would trust your wife with your haircut? The answer lies within this video,” he captioned it.

The video opens with Vivek sitting on a chair and Divyanka standing with a pair of scissors in her hand. Vivek isn’t too sure about her hairstyling skills, so he hides his face behind a towel and looks reluctant to get a haircut from her.

Throughout the video, Vivek is seen advising her how to go about the look as prior to the haircut session, she had even warned him and suggested a bald look if things went wrong. Right from telling her to get a water spray to even buzzing the sides of his hair, he did it all though he let her do most of the haircutting part.

The end result turned out to be good. Vivek was happy with his new hairdo and said he was proud of his wife. Divyanka in return called him a “good teacher”.

Just a few days ago, Vivek had posted a picture in which Divyanka was seen giving him a haircut.

“Can you trust your wife with a haircut? Apparently, I did and wait to see what happened. Video rolling out soon..! Bolo toh tha kaan sambhal ke kaat na…#StayTuned! LifeUnderQuarantineSeries,” Vivek had written.

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