National Award Winning director Sudhanshu Saria recently wrapped up his upcoming young adult show, tentatively titled ‘Masoom’. His last project LOEV got decent reviews from the LGBTQ community and made him won a national award for directing the short film Knock, Knock, Knock.
His last movie received rave reviews and secured theatrical distribution in many areas around the world. On the other hand, his new project, Masoom is Amazon Prime Video’s young adult all-girls show, set in a boarding school. It is a multi-part series, shot in and around the queen of hill stations Ooty.
Source added, “There is no break for Sudhanshu Saria this year, his production house Four Line Entertainment has already started the production work of LGBTQ+ themed relationship drama titled TAPS.”
“He (Sudhanshu Saria) is currently in LA for the North American premiere of his film SANAA at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. His upcoming directorial venture Ulajh rumoured to star Janhvi Kapoor will go on the floors later this year.”
According to reports, actress Avantika Vandanapu will be starring in the show directed by Sudhanshu Saria.
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