Veteran actor Ranjit Chowdhry, known for many popular films like Khubsoorat, Kaante, Khatta Meetha and several international projects has passed away on April 15, 2020. He was theatre veteran Pearl Padamsee’s son and Alyque Padamsee was his stepfather. The news of his demise was shared by his half sister Raell Padamsee on social media, however not much is known about the cause of the 65-year-old actor’s death.
Chowdhry made his Hindi movie debut in ‘Khatta Meetha‘, playing Russie Mistry with so much ease that fans still remember the character. His violin-playing act in ‘Baton Baton Mein’ is etched strongly in public memory as he portrayed the role of Tina Munim’s younger brother Shabi Perreira quite naturally.
After starring in many popular Hindi films and plays, the actor later moved to the US. He wrote the screenplay and acted for the Canadian venture ‘Sam & Me’ which marked the directorial debut of renowned filmmaker Deepa Mehta. The film got a special mention at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival.
As soon as the sad news of his death surfaced the internet, several netizens and his fans poured out condolence messages to the family of the deceased. Filmmakers and actors from the industry also mourned the death of the brilliant actor. We contacted filmmaker Sanjay Gupta, who worked with Chowdhary in the film Kaante and he said, “He was a wonderful actor and an amazing soul. I had only worked with him in one film, but he left a huge impact. As a matter of fact, he had an impeccable sense of humor, not just on the screen, but also off the screen.”
May his soul rest in peace!
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