Divyanka Tripathi rose to fame with her stint as ‘Ishi maa’ in Yeh Hai Mohabbatein. She was recently seen hosting Crime Patrol and it received massive praises. The actress is now all geared up to be a part of Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 and is currently shooting in Cape Town. Read on for some exclusive details.
It would indeed be exciting to witness Divyanka battling reptiles and heights! Did you know, she is a super adventurous person? Husband Vivek Dahiya too recently opened up about the same. But we bet you didn’t know that she’s always wanted to be a part of KKK.
Talking about signing Khatron Ke Khiladi 11, Divyanka Tripathi exclusively told us, “I’ve always been an adventure junkie. But unfortunately, I never got the experience as much as I liked to. Every time I watched Khatron Ke Khiladi, I would think to myself, ‘it would be so amazing to be amongst the reptiles, doing all the stunts and battle with my own fears.’ Luckily, I got the offer for this show at the right time, when my previous show ended. I bounced on the opportunity.”
Is she scared? Divyanka Tripathi responded, “I am a bit scared and that’s exactly what makes it worthwhile and exciting. Where else will I deliberately put myself in danger of different sorts? And when else will I attempt to conquer my fears? So, this is it and I’m really excited actually. And also, a bit nervous!”
What are her expectations from the show?
“I want to perform as many stunts as possible with great success. I want to remember them for years to come and tell those stories to my grandchildren,” said Divyanka Tripathi.
We’re super excited to witness Ishi maa nail the action world with Khatron Ke Khiladi 11. How about you?
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