Salman Khan’s Bigg Boss 12 has been on a roll ever since its grand launch. Every single contestant this season is giving a head-on fight to another and it’s hard to even ensure that the celebrities will overpower the commoners. Yesterday, nominations for the week took place and amidst the contestants who got nominated, we wonder who might get eliminated!
Following is the list of contestants to who’ve been nominated this week:
1. Kriti Verma & Rohsmi Banik
The duo were announced as captains last week and were saved from this week nominations as a special power. However, the both failed to perform their duties and were deprived of immunity. The housemates voted against them and with 4 votes, they were amongst the nominated contestants of the week. Being commoners, while Kriti looks like a strong contestant making her way through every opportunity, Roshmi looks dull in comparison which might end up being a weak point against them. Moreover, with strong celebrities that are against them, survival only becomes tougher for the two.
2. Karanvir Bohra
Owing to the light and irresponsible behaviour that Karanvir showed by opting himself to be voted as the weakest performer of the last task, Bigg Boss sent Karanvir straight to the bunch of this week’s nominated contestant. However, his charm along with the witty behaviour that the actor is carrying, it is certain that he isn’t getting eliminated anytime soon and might also end up amongst the top 3 eventually.
3. Dipika Kakar Ibrahim
Dipika undoubtedly looks the strongest at this point as she’s playing pretty smart and mature. Although, the housemates are gradually turning against her, which can be seen by the fact that they all nominated her for the week. She’s another celebrity we’re sure isn’t getting eliminated anytime soon unless the tables turned around somehow.
4. Romil Chaudhary & Nirmal Singh
The lawyer-Inspector Jodi although have tried to bring themselves some prominence but haven’t really been succesfull in the same. Romil has been playing pretty well, keeping the jodis together and trying to bring in unity amongst them. However, with duos like Sabha-Somi & Deepak Thakur-Urvashi Vani (who’s emerging gradually) it is going to be difficult for Nirmal & Romil to make a place for themselves in the house with such pace.
Who do you think will get eliminated this week? Vote Below!