Vijay Deverakonda acted as his reel character Arjun Reddy in his real-life for South Indian actress Rashmika Mandanna, when she was asked about her engagement which broke with Kanada star Rakshit Shetty. The actress had faced a lot of criticism after she had announced her break-up on Twitter. Now, what happened during the promotion of her film Dear Comrade was astonishing. When Rashmika was asked about her by a reporter, her co-star Vijay Devarakonda came to her aid and defended her.

In a report stated by IBTTimes, He said, “I don’t even know your question…but it is no one’s business. Like I am giving an answer. I don’t even understand the question…how is it anyone’s business…”

Vijay Devarakonda Defends Rashmika Mandanna As She Calls It A Quit
Vijay Deverakonda Lashes Out At Reporter For Poking Rashmika Mandanna On Her Break Up With Rakshit Shetty

Later Rashmika said, “It is such a long question for me to understand it as well.” She skipped the question that the journalist was asking which was even asked to her by her fans on social media. She added saying, “ I have a great rapport with fans.I keep repeatedly messaging them and share updates. [sic]” she ends. Prior to the question on her break-up, Rashmika was also asked whether she was willing to work with Rakshit Shetty again for which she said, “Let’s see.”

Actor Vijay Devarakonda, on the other hand, says he doesn’t want his fans, whom he calls “rowdies”, to waste even two minutes on any unproductive activity.

Asked if he would allow them to troll his colleagues just because they thought he was not being respected enough, Vijay said: “I call them rowdies because I want them to fight their way to what they deserve. The nature of this world is to be privilege-friendly. It’s normal.”

“But doesn’t mean we have to agree with it. So grab opportunities and double the work others do. And breakthrough. I also call them rowdies because I am not comfortable with the word ‘fan’. But trolling is a no-no. I don’t want them to waste even two minutes on any unproductive activity. Just be happy, spread chill and productivity.”

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