Today morning former Karnataka chief minister HD Kumaraswamy’s son, politician-actor Nikhil Kumaraswamy, married Revathi, the grand-niece of former Karnataka housing minister M Krishnappa at a social function with close to 100 people in attendance. Raveena Tandon took to her Twitter page and lashed him out.

It didn’t take much time for the news to spread like wildfire across the Internet, as netizens took turns to bash the political family for being so irresponsible amid lockdown.

Raveena Tandon Lashes Out At Actor & Politician Nikhil Kumaraswamy For Taking Wedding Vows Amid Lockdown
Raveena Tandon Lashes Out At Actor-Politician Nikhil Kumaraswamy For Taking Wedding Vows Amid Lockdown

Raveena Tandon lashed out on the political family with a tweet that read, ” Ok. Obviously, poor souls are not aware that many in the country not being able to reach their families and are going hungry, while the rest are trying to help others override this crisis. Wonder what was served in the buffet..”

For those unversed, Nikhil is president of the youth wing of Janata Dal(Secular), and has acted in Kannada films Jaguar, Seetharama Kalyana, and Kurukshetra.

The world has come still following the Coronavirus pandemic. India is one of many other countries that have been observing complete lockdown from the past many days. People across the nation have been asked to follow social distancing strictly and to practice self-hygiene.

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