Bollywood star actress Priyanka Chopra’s brother Siddharth Chopra has been in news for quite some time following his personal life. Siddharth was in limelight last year after his engagement being called off with his then-girlfriend Ishita Kumar. Apart from that, he also made it to headlines for his alleged relationship with south actress Neelam Upadhyaya.
It was on the auspicious of Ganesh Chaturthi last year when Siddharth Chopra stole the limelight, as Priyanka Chopra’s brother was accompanied by Neelam at Mukesh Ambani’s annual Ganpati celebrations. Though the duo is yet to confirm their relationship, the buzz is that the Siddharth and Neelam are quite serious about each other.
Yesterday on occasion of Siddharth Chopra’s 31st Birthday, Neelam Upadhyaya shared an adorable picture of the duo. Apart from the pictures, what caught everyone’s attention was the caption that the Telugu-Tamil actress had.
Neelam’s Upadhayaya caption read, ” Happy birthday @siddharthchopra89 I’m so grateful for you and all that you do. I love and appreciate our nights in, stuffing our mouths with lays, watching some crappy show (that I want to watch and you have no choice 😅), as much as I love going out for meals and drives and exploring new places with you.”
“Thank you for always making sure I’m warm enough, taking me to new places, being your usual thoughtful self, and always motivating me to be the best possible version of myself. You’re a big blessing (and a big pain in the ass sometimes 🤷🏻♀️)” added Neelam Upadhayaya.
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