Tollywood megastar Chiranjeevi who made his social media debut a couple of weeks back on the auspicious occasion of Ugadi, ever since then has been quite active on his Twitter and Instagram handles. The veteran actor who is following the practice of self-quarantine and social distancing like millions across the nation, this morning took to his Twitter handle to share a video in which the Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy star can be seen cleansing the front yard of his bungalow.

Along with the video, Chiranjeevi had a caption that read, “The paths we take should always be clean #LockdownActivities #StayHomeStaySafe”

Chiranjeevi Cleanses The Front Yard Of His Bungalow, Urges His Fans To Follow Cleanliness Amidst Health Crisis
Chiranjeevi Cleans The Front Yard Of His Bungalow; Urges Fans To Maintain Tidiness During Health Crisis!

Dressed in a black T-shirt and pants, teamed with a cap and a pair of sunglasses, Chiranjeevi can be seen spraying a disinfectant on his front yard.

On the work front, Chiranjeevi has been making news for his next which has been titled as Acharya. The social actioner is helmed by filmmaker Koratala Siva. The film which went on floors late last year is currently put on halt amid lockdown.

Acharya has the gorgeous and talented actress Kajal Aggarwal as the film’s leading lady.

Apart from Acharya, Chiranjeevi also has Telugu remake of Malayalam blockbuster Lucifer. In the Telugu version, Chiranjeevi will be getting into the shoes of Malayalam star Mohanlal who played the titular role in the original.

Reportedly, Telugu remake of Lucifer will be helmed by Saaho maker Sujeeth.

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