Popular South actress Anushka Shetty had a special surprise in store for her fans this afternoon. The Baahubali actress who is quite active on Instagram with close to 3 Million followers on the photo-video sharing app shared an adorable picture of her with parents, Vittal Shetty and Prafulla on the occasion of her father’s birthday.
The versatile actress along with the picture penned a heartfelt note for her dad on his birthday, her note read, “I have seen most lovely, most carry, most encourage father is you.You have made great works for us, Today is your day and Smile every time because it makes us happy. Happy birthday my lovely Papa❤️ “
Talking about the picture, Anushka and her parents can be seen posing for the picture with heartwarming smiles. The trio can be seen dressed in traditional attire.
It was till last month when Anushka was in headlines all across for her alleged relationship with director Prakash Kovelamudi who helmed Kangana Ranaut starrer Judgementall Hai Kya, which she later at an event rubbished as mere rumour.
On the work front, Anushka who was last seen on the big screen in Chiranjeevi starrer Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy in a small yet important role has Hemant Madhukar’s thriller Nishabdam for release this year.
Anushka in Nishabdam will be seen as a mute painting artist. The actress in a thriller will be seen opposite R. Madhavan, who will be playing the role of a musician.
Nishabdam will release in Telugu, Tamil, English and Hindi languages. The film which was originally slated to release this month has been postponed following the health crisis.
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