Jenna Ortega became an overnight sensation ever since the series ‘Wednesday’ released on Netflix. It has been trending since then and getting appreciation across the world. Be it the performances of the cast or the iconic storyline of Wednesday Addams, Tim Burton’s directorial is crossing every bar. However, recently in an interview, Jenna revealed she was having Covid while shooting for the ‘viral’ Goo Goo Muck dance, and since then the actress and the producers are receiving massive backlashes from the audience.
The Goo Goo Muck dance has been trending on our social media pages and every now and then when we are opening our Instagram or Twitter handles, it’s the dance covers that we are watching back-to-back!
Now, in an interview with NME, Jenna Ortega spilled some beans about the ‘viral’ dance. Well, as it seems she was quite unwell during shooting the scene. She said, ““I woke up and — it’s weird, I never get sick and when I do it’s not very bad — I had the body aches,” Ortega said. “I felt like I’d been hit by a car and that a little goblin had been let loose in my throat and was scratching the walls of my esophagus.”
She further added that she was given medicines between takes and was also waiting for ‘Covid-19’ positive result. Adding to it, Jenna Ortega shared, “I asked to redo it but we didn’t have time. I think I probably could have done it a bit better.”
As soon as the news broke out in the media, netizens started to bash the actress and the makers of the series. One tweeted, “It was dangerous, unethical, and extremely selfish thing to do, both on her part, and on the part of the directors and producers,” while another one wrote, “There’s absolutely no positive way to spin an actress knowingly exposing hundreds of cast members and crew to COVID.” One of them even joked, “It was literally a viral dance, then.” Another one wrote, “This def deserves criticism but the production team/management is at fault. It’s their responsibility to make the workspace safe. Clearly they messed up and will have to earn trust back from the set workers.”
Well, even though many criticised Tim Burton for letting Jenna work in that condition, now, Netflix has issued a clarification. They said, “Strict COVID protocols were followed, and once the positive test was confirmed, production removed Jenna from the set.”
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