The second installment of hit animation film ‘How To Train A Dragon‘ performed well in the Indian circuit at the Box Office. The film opened with 20 Lacs on Thursday but it further picked up collecting 1.01 crores on Friday, 1.89 crores on Saturday and 2.15 crores on Sunday. With this the film now stands with an opening weekend collection of 5.25 crores at the India box office.
The film’s first installment was successful and the second part is also ready to rock now. Among the other animation film, after Rio 2, How To Train Your Dragon 2 had the 2nd biggest opening weekend in India. The last animated film to have taken the Indian audiences by storm was Ice Age 4: Continental Drift.
How To Train Your Dragon 2 has given the biggest opening by far for a Dreamworks animation film in India.
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